Become a Donor

We are grateful for all donations. You would be helping to support the main objective of the Society – promoting scientific research in Ephesos.


Our Bank Account

Gesellschaft der Freunde von Ephesos
IBAN: AT96 1100 0052 1066 0600

Intended use: »Donation«

When you make a donation to the Society of Friends of Ephesos, please enter your first name, last name and date of birth on the payment slip or whit your online transfer if you are liable to tax in Austria and want to deduct your donation as a special expense on your (employment) tax return.

Under the Austrian Income Tax Act (EStG), donations to the Society of Friends of Ephesos count as a special expense and are tax deductible, because the Society qualifies as a beneficial recipient of donations. Since 1 January 2017, such organisations have had to record each donor’s date of birth and full name and report them in encrypted form to the tax authorities, so that the donations can be deducted from the donor’s tax liability. If we are unable to forward your details correctly, you will not be able to claim your donation as a special expense. So please ensure when writing your name that it matches the spelling in the Central Register of Residents.

→  More info:

Of course, you can also make anonymous donations.